MBA Programs:
Executive MBA - Warsaw University of Technology Business School
Alumni opinions
Jawahar Jyoti Singh - EMBA 2003
You might have read lot about various experiences regarding WUT MBA. I can only say that joining the course of EMBA 2001-2003 was the best decision I took being on the height of my carrier. Since 1992 I am a shareholder and the CEO of WecoTravel Poland. Having finished my MA in India I was always striving more to achieve in the academic field and building up my carrier, however being the master
of my own fate it was my motivation and decision to achieve more by joining this course. Joining WUT EMBA gave me an opportunity not only to achieve more in the academic education but to discover my own hidden capabilities which were unexplored by own self. The course gives you an opportunity to learn and explore your own capabilities which you can miss in your daily work and operations. The course provides you a path to think and act out of the box and achieve results which can be implemented in your work field. The course also provides you a platform to work in a team where you can learn from your fellow team member and above all you can rely on them to achieve a collective target which is much needed in your daily professional carrier to succeed. My personal experience thanks to EMBA course I have gained are my present colleague and team who are working with me in building up my business from a national Travel Management Company to a CEE Travel Management Company having offices in Poland/Hungary/Czech Republic and Romania and becoming number two in the Polish market from among the first ten agencies when I started the course.
My MANTRA of WUT EMBA you gain knowledge/network and discover your hidden capabilities which are the key essentials in building up one’s professional carrier.
Alumni Association
WUTBS Students and Alumni have the possibility to network through
SAAMBA – WUTBS Students & Alumni Association
This dynamic organization is the first association of MBA graduates established in Poland and it is presently the biggest association of this type.
SAAMBA was founded in 1993 by MBA students. Since then the association was an initiator of number of initiatives with an aim to build strong relationships among students and alumni of MBA at Business School of Warsaw University of Technology.
The main goal of SAAMBA is to gather the growing society of Students and Alumni of WUT Business School and encourage building relationships among them.
At the moment SAAMBA Executive Board is continuing the strategy of association together with development on new initiatives.
Mariusz Wądołowski Piotr Bogusz,
EMBA Katalyst 2016-2018 Magdalena Młyniec-Wesołowska,
Petri Aalto
EMBA Katalyst 2016-2018
Magdalena Młyniec-Wesołowska Ling Ding
EMBA Katalyst 2016-2018 EMBA Katalyst 2015-2017
Vladislav Gramovich Maciej Chojnacki
EMBA Katalyst 2016-2018 EMBA Katalyst 2015-2017